The Time-Savings Efficiency of Jump AI Meeting Assistant + Wealthbox CRM

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Discover the power of using a meeting assistant to enhance your client interactions and boost your efficiency as an advisor. Learn how incorporating a meeting assistant can transform the way you handle client meetings, from preparation to follow-up.

Join Jump and Wealthbox to explore the best practices for leveraging AI tools to streamline your advisory processes. This webinar will cover: 

  1. The importance of having a meeting assistant for today’s advisors.
  2. Addressing the misconception that meeting preparation, recap, and follow-up are tedious and time-consuming tasks.
  3. How Jump’s AI-powered assistant streamlines and personalizes client interactions.
  4. Enhancing client communication through the Jump and Wealthbox integration.


Parker Ence

CEO & Cofounder


Jenna Ghibaudy

Product Specialist


“For our team, the value of the integration between Wealthbox and Jump is the time savings. What used to be 30-40 minutes of typing meeting notes, organizing tasks, and CRM updates, can now be done in 3-4 minutes.”

Jack Csenge

Wealth Advisor, Csenge Advisory Group

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