Integrations /Portfolio Management

Get started with Wealthbox + Panoramix

Modern CRM integrated with flexible performance reporting.


Panoramix is a comprehensive, full featured and flexible billing & performance system customizable for advisors’ processes, with multiple methodologies, and white labeled for advisor branding with our client portal. The integration with Wealthbox allows users to sync data across platforms, saving time and resources while ensuring accurate reporting.

Import Wealthbox contacts into Panoramix with the click of a button.


Blog Post

“Our new data integration with Wealthbox CRM ties together a leading system used by thousands of advisors to drive efficiencies and simplify daily client management activities.”

Chris Hastings

CEO of Panoramix

Get started with Wealthbox + Panoramix

Ready to try? Start your 14-day free trial now. Or schedule a demo.
Let’s do this!