Blog/ Customer Stories

Building a National Advisor Network

How FormulaFolios uses Wealthbox to become Inc.’s 10th Fastest Growing Company

January 3, 2018

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Customer Profile: CEO Jason Wenk of FormulaFolios

An RIA wunderkind, Jason Wenk is the CEO of FormulaFolios, now ranked the 10th Fastest Growing Private Company in the US by Inc. Magazine. Jason also happens to be one of the early customers of Wealthbox. He was even a beta user, before we actually launched publicly. The story of how it all came together at the launch of Wealthbox CRM in 2014 is accurately chronicled in this article on RIABiz.

Today, with 600+ users from the FormulaFolios advisor network now using Wealthbox CRM, it’s been a fast growth trajectory for his company and ours, as it has for other of our advisor network partners. Watch and learn how Jason scales FormulaFolios on the Wealthbox platform.

Opening Introduction – Start
Meet Jason Wenk, CEO of FormulaFolios, an RIA listed as Inc. Magazine’s 10th Fastest Growing Private Company in the US.

The Need for Enterprise CRM – :23
Jason describes searching for a CRM solution and choosing Wealthbox to build his RIA network firm, now with 600+ users.

Jason’s Aha Moment – 1:01
First impressions of experiencing Wealthbox. “There’s just something different about Wealthbox.” With its power and simplicity “we started to reclaim time.”

Managing Advisor Teams – 2:05
The “elegance and craftsmanship of how the Wealthbox software is built” helps Jason manage and collaborate with remote advisor teams.

Jason’s Power Feature: Wealthbox Mail – 3:35
The new Wealthbox Mail feature (that FormulaFolios has been using as a beta tester for the last 6 months) provides a unique merging of CRM and email that results in “phenomenal CRM adoption” at his advisor network.

Scaling an Advisor Network – 4:57
Jason talks about how “Wealthbox is at the core of our standardized operating procedure” and “gets everyone on the same page to scale.”

The People at Wealthbox – 5:16
Regarding Wealthbox, Jason talks about how “it’s not just the design and the technology, it’s also the people who put so much thought into their product.”

Delivering the Promise – 6:16
Jason discusses how Wealthbox helps his mission to help financial advisors achieve success in the FormulaFolios advisor network.

Learn more about the Wealthbox solution FormulaFolio’s uses called Wealthbox for Advisor Networks.

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