With increasing “social” features in the product design of modern CRMs, financial advisory firms are becoming more collaborative than ever. From real-time activity streams, coworker commenting, team notifications, and even emoji expressions, the socially designed interfaces of today’s CRMs are making a difference in how advisors manage client relationships and work together as a team.
Let’s take a look at what advisors can do with social CRM features.
1 Collaborate in Activity Streams
The activity stream takes its design cue from social networking apps. This familiar, consumerized pattern on the main dashboard is one of the reasons advisors have an “aha moment” in intuitively and instantly understanding how to use the CRM from the start. Communication and collaboration around CRM activity – from anywhere – is what the activity stream allows. Advisors can keep staff in the loop, wherever they are. Activity streams in CRM systems are like a private social network for your firm.

2 Like, Comment, and React with Emojis 
The ability to interact with coworkers on the main dashboard humanizes the CRM experience even further. With social design in CRM, advisors can collaborate with expressive color in their private communication with coworkers by using emojis , add comments to keep coworkers in the loop, and “like” status updates to acknowledge others’ updates.

3 @-Mention Contacts and Notify Coworkers
The notification feature allows advisors to alert their team with specific CRM updates as they go about their day. Also, with @-mentioning, users can add a note to a contact record from the dashboard – in just 2 clicks – without deep-linking to the contact record page. Fewer clicks and no scrolling to add a note to a client record for coworkers saves time.

4 Notify Coworkers
In-app notifications offer a simple way to see how advisors are interacting with live via CRM updates – on workflows, tasks, new contacts, commenting, events, etc. – in a mini-timeline, beyond the flow of the ambient activity stream. Think of it like a filtered inbox of CRM activity that coworkers have updated. In-app notifications in modern CRM systems amplify coworker-to-coworker signals and reduce team noise. It’s a win-win.

5 Share Content from the Web
How cool is this? Forget about going to your email system to send article links to colleagues. Just paste the link into the CRM’s “publisher” and watch it cascade down into the activity stream for coworkers to see. Sharing is caring!

Modern CRM technology has increasingly become “social” to help advisors collaborate with ease. To learn more about how Wealthbox has taken social CRM to a new level, schedule a demo with our product experts or watch the Wealthbox + SEI webinar, Social CRM for Financial Advisors.